
Graphene oxide

Graphene oxide

Graphene oxide is a graphene-like nanostructured material that differs from graphene in that, firstly, it can contain several graphene layers (up to 10), and, secondly, it contains chemically bound oxygen-containing groups (= О, –OH, –СООН, etc.).

There are various methods for the synthesis of graphene oxide, each of which gives its own characteristics of the final product. Our company produces high-purity (research grade) thermally reduced graphene oxide based on the modified Hammers method followed by thermal vacuum reduction. The essence of the method lies in the chemical oxidation of graphite with further separation into separate carbon planes by thermal heating in vacuum.

As a result, we obtain graphene oxide, in which the carbon (C) content reaches 94%, oxygen (O) – up to 5%, and the number of graphene layers does not exceed 3.

The oxygen contained in graphene oxide advantageously distinguishes it from graphene in terms of ease of use. Oxygen-containing groups improve the adhesion of graphene planes to the polymer binder, which ensures higher performance characteristics of the composites being created. In addition, graphene oxide, unlike pure graphene, is a hydrophilic material, which makes it possible to use it in water treatment and filtration applications.

Also, the advantage of using graphene oxide is the relative ease of its production and relatively low cost. These two factors led to the fact that graphene oxide was the first of graphene materials to receive industrial commercial applications.

Here are just some of the possible applications of graphene oxide.

  • As an additive to composite materials for substantial improvement of mechanical properties and production of multifunctional materials
  • As an additive in adhesives to significantly improve the adhesive bond.
  • As an additive in the production of packaging for giving antimicrobial and hydrophobic properties to packages made of natural materials, as well as for improving mechanical properties.
  • As an additive in the production of 3D printing filament to improve its mechanical properties and make the filament conductive.
  • Creation of coatings that prevent corrosion; conductive, transparent coatings, as well as other varnish-and-paint materials with unique properties.
  • Production of low-permeability materials, giving hydrophobic properties to paper
  • Supercapacitors manufacturing
  • Biological sensor manufacturing
  • Solar cell production

The range of applications for graphene oxide is very wide. Our company is engaged in development in certain areas of applications, but we are ready together with our customers to implement other boldest ideas for the use of graphene oxide and carry out custom development.